Books & Book Chapters
- Enhanced Transparency: Threat to Arbitration or Pro-Arbitration Endeavor?, in WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE ‘PRO-ARBITRATION’?: REFLECTIONS ON GEORGE BERMANN’S LEGACY BY COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL STUDENTS AND FACULTY (Juris, April 2023) pp. 391-396
- Economic Sanctions and Contractual Disputes between Private Operators, in RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON U.N. SANCTIONS AND INTERNATIONAL LAW, Larissa van den Herik ed. (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017) pp. 330-376
- Trade Sanctions and International Sales: An Inquiry into International Arbitration and Commercial Litigation (Kluwer Law International, 2014)
- Transgression of the Arbitrator’s Authority: Article V(1)(c) of the New York Convention (co-authored with Dr Laurent Lévy), in ENFORCEMENT OF ARBITRATION AGREEMENTS AND INTERNATIONAL ARBITRAL AWARDS – THE NEW YORK CONVENTION 1958 IN PRACTICE, Emmanuel Gaillard and Domenico di Pietro eds (Cameron May, 2008) pp. 639-678
- Le transfert d’entreprises en droit suisse, in TRANSFERTS D’ENTREPRISES – LES ENJEUX SOCIAUX, Viviane Stulz ed. (EFE Editions Formation Entreprise, 2004) pp. 457-469

Book Chapters
- Economic Sanctions and Contractual Disputes between Private Operators, in RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON U.N. SANCTIONS AND INTERNATIONAL LAW, Larissa van den Herik ed. (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017) pp. 330-376
- Transgression of the Arbitrator’s Authority: Article V(1)(c) of the New York Convention (co-authored with Dr Laurent Lévy), in ENFORCEMENT OF ARBITRATION AGREEMENTS AND INTERNATIONAL ARBITRAL AWARDS – THE NEW YORK CONVENTION 1958 IN PRACTICE, Emmanuel Gaillard and Domenico di Pietro eds (Cameron May, 2008) pp. 639-678
- Le transfert d’entreprises en droit suisse, in TRANSFERTS D’ENTREPRISES – LES ENJEUX SOCIAUX, Viviane Stulz ed. (EFE Editions Formation Entreprise, 2004) pp. 457-469
- Paris Arbitration Rules – de nieuwe standard in ad hoc arbitrage?, TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR ARBITRAGE, Vol. 4, 2014/52 (November 2014) pp. 120-121
- Impartiality v. Substantive Neutrality: Is the Mediator Authorized to Provide Legal Advice?, DISPUTE RESOLUTION JOURNAL, Vol. 62, N. 1 (February-April 2007) pp. 26-33; republished in TRANSNATIONAL DISPUTE MANAGEMENT, Vol. 5, N. 4 (July 2008)
- Termination of Contract under the Principles of European Contract Law, VINDOBONA JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LAW AND ARBITRATION, Vol. 10, N. 1 (2006) pp. 123-144
- Termination of Contract under the Principles of European Contract Law – A Comparative Study, ELECTRONIC LIBRARY ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW AND THE CISG, (2006)
- Anticipatory Breach under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, NORDIC JOURNAL OF COMMERCIAL LAW, N. 2/2 (2005); also available in the ELECTRONIC LIBRARY ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW AND THE CISG,

Other Publications
- Commercial Arbitration: Switzerland 2024, GAR Know-how (June 2024)
- Commercial Arbitration: Switzerland 2023, GAR Know-how (July 2023)
- Dutch Supreme Court confirms — awards denying jurisdiction cannot be challenged (Plaintiffs v Venezuela), Lexis Nexis (26 May 2023)
- The EU’s Eighth Package of Sanctions Against Russia and the Potential Ramifications of a Blanket Ban on Legal Advisory Services, Kluwer Arbitration Blog (1 November 2022)
- The EU’s Clarification on Access to Arbitration in its Seventh Package of Sanctions Against Russia: Trivial or Consequential?, Kluwer Arbitration Blog (16 August 2022)
- Investment Claims Against Russia in the Economic Sanctions Era, Kluwer Arbitration Blog (31 May 2022)
- DNO Yemen AS, Petrolin Trading Limited and MOE Oil & Gas Yemen Limited v. The Ministry of Oil and Minerals of the Republic of Yemen, Yemen Oil & Gas Corporation/The Yemen Company and Dove Energy Limited - Judgment of the Paris Court of Appeal, 5 October 2021, Jus Mundi (24 March 2022)
- Challenges Faced by Arbitral Institutions Amidst New Waves of Sanctions Against Russia, Kluwer Arbitration Blog (23 March 2022)
- US Secondary Sanctions Against Russia: Amidst Rising Tensions, Are Arbitral and Financial Institutions At Risk?, Kluwer Arbitration Blog (11 December 2021)
- US Secondary Sanctions Against Iran: Why Arbitral and Financial Institutions Should Be Cautious, Kluwer Arbitration Blog (11 November 2021)
- Asset Freezes and the Payment of Advances on Costs: Are the Proceedings Bound to End Before They Have Even Begun?, Kluwer Arbitration Blog (19 October 2021)
- The Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Art Related Disputes, Kluwer Arbitration Blog (23 October 2015)
- Economic Sanctions, Exchange Control Regulations and the Like: Black Sheep Among the Provisions of the Lex Contractus?, Kluwer Arbitration Blog (14 July 2015)
- In Commercial Arbitration, Should Arbitrators Be Exclusively at the Service of the Parties?, Kluwer Arbitration Blog (6 May 2015)
- Brussels’ Sanctions Against Russia and Moscow’s Retaliatory Measures Through the Eyes of the Arbitrator, Kluwer Arbitration Blog (26 September 2014)
- Les sanctions économiques prises contre Moscou réduites à leur fonction dénonciatrice (co-authored with Professor Régis Bismuth), Le Monde (9 September 2014)